Congrats Nick!. You have discovered the secret plan of the Gleaner division. Keep all the combines at the plant to avoid any and all the problems that could possibly occur! Nick, slow down take a deep breath, and we will see if you are serious about wanting help or are like a few others who switch brands only to find out no matter what color it is they all have something you don't like. However since one has made a decision to say switch brands or machines the pride kind of gets in the way and I - opps, I mean - customers can't bring ourselves to admit it. We defend our actions to the bone rather than ,,well enuff on that. And ok we won't try to tell you anything, rather we will let you tell us. OKIJ What crop were you in. What was doneIJ 1.5 bu PER ACREIJ How did you determine that. Why were your machines different that most others in the loss areaIJ What were your yields, moisture, conditions, crop type. What was done _ tried by dealer(s). What did the dealer say about lossIJ How many combines has _ have they soldIJ What speed are you harvesting and on and on. There are thousands of R Gleaners running successfully, if not they wouldn't have production backed up, sold retail, til mid year in the not so good Ag economy of '01. As to a clean sample, well that is obtainable very easy, barring a mechanical problem such as a hole, or low rpm to the of nerly perfection but at a cost of shoe capacity but you don't have a complaint there, or hanv't spewed that forth yet. Finally I have a few friends who are running different color combines and by the looks of the fields they harvested this fall I would say a 1.5 Bu. loss would be a dramatic improvement over what THEY did!!!!! ;-) SooooooooooooooooooIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJ The balls in your court,,,, if you really want help.