This will be my second year with that equipment in my 2388. It worked flawlessly on 1600 acres and when I checked it last winter it showed almost zero wear.I put the new heavy vanes in the cone. It was a bit of a trick pulling the elephant ears off the old rotor but if you start with a monster puller it is no problem.I didn't take the rotor out of the machine but it is a good time to do that and check the the insides. Make sure you buy the newest version of the Accelerator.I think I paid about $1600 USD, give or take a few. It will make an AFX believer out of you and you will tell no difference in it and the one from the factory except you will still have a bit of the "fat wallet" syndrom, which is my preference over a skoal can. My apologies to anyone I might have offended with my anti tobacco promo.With the mud and crud we are facing please be safe every minute.