Combines stone retarderIJ


Setting the stone retarder all the way down will make the feeder house slip clutch the limiting factor both for stones and crop mat. It does limit the amount of crop that can get through but not that much before the rotor limitation anyway.Run mine that way for beans and also like the hose modification on the header to keep out the smaller rocks(same principal as a Johnson rock guard using 2 to 3 in suction hose or pvc pipe) I like the pipe because I want it off of there for small grains...


The hose modification is a flexible pipe fastened behind the guards on the header. It helps a great deal to keep threshed beans from rolling out the front as well getting short beans into the auger instead of bunching and falling off the front or double cutting and losing the lower pods.The hose provides a lip so the reel flips the short stalks right into the head. Added bonus is that this lip prevents small rocks from entering,and helps promote more even feeding while harvesting beans in all conditions.Same principal as the Johnson grain saver or rock guard depending on what part of the country you are from. I used a 2" pvc pipe fastened behind the guards with conduit straps bolted on the guard bolts every 2 feet or so.It works really well in beans but don't like it at all for small grain if the straw is a bit sticky or if you are taking in any green material so also like the simplicity of taking it off..There was quite a discussion about this last summer and fall because of the wide spread drought and short beans to be harvested, particularly on the Gleaner site,and maybe some is still archived.Some operaters used suction hose with good success feeling it may be more flexible.Some thought that even larger diameter ( 3") worked well, and some had good luck with using sections instead of one long piece. I like the pvc in one long piece and don't feel like flexibilty has been compromised at all. The problem with too flexible is that stiff stalks may get stuck underneath the pipe, between it and the platform floor and interfer with the next batch being cut and fed..