Combines Straw buildup on the outside of the cageIJIJIJ


Had the same problem this year also, as we took out the cage sweep on our R-70 w_P-1. Every 2 days I cleaned straw off the top of disharge end of cage. Maybe a shield of some kind could be installed in this area in order to deflect it downwards preventing any buildup. Did not have any time to experiment with this at harvest. As far as the cage sweep goes, it never gave us any problems and there never was any buildup of straw in this area. Sounded like a good idea to take it out simplifying the machine a little. Maybe we should have left it inIJ Hopefully Dan or some of the other guys on here might have some ideas.


We did the hyper mods on an R5 and left out the cage sweep to simplify things. We also added the overfeed auger and trough. At the end of the overfeed auger we did have some buildup of soybean straw which could push an access door open in the tank. We had no problems in corn or oats. Our thoughts were that the overfeed auger_trough needed to be modified or removed, but we never got around to try it.


I would say that is a most uncommon spot to plug. I would suggest to run a bit and check it to try catch the start of a plug. Then see if it is a bolt or sharp edge that is starting the snagging. Has to be something catching and holding straw when cage sweep was plugging there also. Been a very long time since running cage sweeps but don't remember any plugging there. Good luck. Do you think it causes any lose to speak of when it plugsIJ


It's been a few years since we ran an N7 but we used to have trouble in wheat near the discharge side if we didn't fit some cage covers, the R60 never seemed to have that problem.


darin, i took the cage sweep completely out and not having much plugging at all, if any at almost full hydro in 2nd gear at 10 pounds of boost. the green straw and wet grain will pull it down but clears up quickly. had removed covers at left side of thresher and couldn't knock all berries out so was putting covers back on when noticed concave adjusted clear down at back. was this done for the flowersIJ anyway, adjusted concave and put covers on and now i'm going to take them back off. we are still running 15.8 s0o not much goinig on. did you remove the cover at left rear seperator sideIJ i didn't get the helicals changed but the high low concept bars seems to make a difference. got so many leaks can't seem to clean ground up. will know more tonight, going to try it again after 5 if the storm stays away. my thinking on the covers is that the straw is getting chewed up and then can't get out of cage till discharge area. will try your cell tonight if something else comes up. dale


I helped the problem a little today. I cut a forward cylinder bar into four 8 inch pieces and put them on the discharge paddles( they are all steel on the sunnybrook). There is still some buildup, but not as bad. I think the next step might be to extend the heilcals a little more(far one is still 4 inches from the end). As far as the cage sweep, I have tried removing tines here and there and leave the rest running and I get a buildup right away in that spot. I also tried to remove the overfeed auger. That made a big mess! It plugged the whole area up. I then tried the auger with no trough. This was better, but not as good as it was to start with. I wonder if I have another problem somewhere else that is causing all of this. Anyway, thanks for the help guys!! DAB


How did you fasten cylinder barsIJ Top of cage will have bridge of loose straw in many crops but top of cage was covered with solid covers on early P3s with no problem. I wouldn't want any tight packing anywhere but might happen in some crops somewhere. You started out saying discharge area so I would address that first. The Sunnybrook has rolled back leeding edge on their discharge paddles which does not flow straw well in some crops. Same problem with discharge beaters with rolled back leading edge and discharge beaters with straight blades that have flat edge out. If discharge blades on end of rotor or discharge blades on discharge beater don't keep straw moving you will have excess coming threw cage which may not stay clear with or without cage sweep. We made sure discharge blades were in outward position on gen 1 we just installed and we straightened the rolled back leading edge on two blades before even giving it a try. The blade cracked open when straightening so we welded up well. May want to make up your own discharge blades to prevent cracking when straightening and see what sort of discharge beater you have. Do you use any reverse bars on rotorIJ Good luck


My rotor has all forward bars on it. It worked out that the curve of the paddles matched the cylinder bars perfectly. I just removed each paddle and welded a piece of the bar to it. looked nice when it was done. I worried a little about a balance problem, but it is real smooth. My discharge beater has the rolled back paddles on it as well. Don't know if that would be some of my problem or not. One thing I did notice was a decrease in rotor loss after adding the pieces of cylinder bar. I'm down to 6 to 8 kernals per sq. foot in the windrow. I feel a bit bad about even complaining about the straw buildup, because in general the machine is doing a super job, with huge capacity I'll play with it some more today. Thanks!! Darin


Hard to figure how you would weld a piece of cylinder bar to end of them discharge paddles and make it work out. Maybe you can weld onto blade and it lays just like the rest of bars and then mount back up with blade as close as possible to center of rotor. I have seen the discharge blades on discharge beater hold back a R62 big time because it was not pulling material away from rotor. Just fliped blades to get serrated edge out and away it went. You likely have flat smooth floor under your discharge beater so it likely don't make much difference. Anytime there is cage type material under discharge blades the straw could be held up big time if the straw is resistent to slide. Knowing what a discharge beater with flat blades out (with perferated floor under it)can do tells me what rolled back discharge blades on end of rotor can do in some conditions. Hold up the straw and it has to get pushed somewhere!!! How ever you mounted the bars it must of helped straw flow which is better for seperation than holding it up in most conditions.


I think it helped the flow a lot! As far as the bars that I welded on, they basically look like every other cylinder bar is extended all the way to the end of the rotor. The cut pieces are welded to the leading face of each paddle. Almost looks like sunnybrook designed them with that in mind because the fit is perfect. DAB