Combines STS rework updates


Curious as to what the list thats to long to mention contains. About to get our 9760 stoked up for the first time and are looking for all the info on what to look for in advance.


I think that I might just trade off my 9650sts for something else. It used just as much, if not more fuel than my 9610 (16+ gal_hr),The cleaning area just did not seem large enough for the amount of grain that was being harvested (losses appeared more sudden and often than the 9610),more power, to be competitive, I think, the 9650 should be atleast 330hp with the cleaning area the size of the 9650 walker and the 9750, probably 350+ hp. Cast seperation grates are not a smart idea and nor is that chopper. The chopper did not spread wide enough for anything less than conventional tillage (every chopper on every make of combine should, as standard, be able to acommodate no-till i.e., fine cut and spread the width of the header, whether 20' to 40'...mfg's need to spend more time and resources to become agronomically_stewardly fiendly).


BigMo: I agreee on the chopper but we did some fiddling with out getting the torch out and it worked a lot better. We took the centre dividers on the fin panel right out and moved everything over. Pulled the knives most of the way out so as not to chop so fine and took less power.