Combines STS Traded on CAT 480


have to agree with you, farmbuddy doesnt have a clue as to the real world workings of the combine game. $63 per hour to work on combines is what the local cat dealers in house rate is, $76 for field labor + milage. pretty tough to argue with that number.deere dealerships are changing hands but few of them are closing there doors as farmbuddy says. deere has always had great coverage and i dont see them abandoning stores that are in great service areas that make them money. i know this is cat's mantra, but it is a pipedream of theirs. until the dealerships start to expand and offer a dedicated ag store, the going will be rough. i like what cat has to offer in tractors and can see their combine is one of the most producitve around, but longivity is the key to the game. no one knows what resale will be on the cat's and how well they will stand up in high volume conditions. even cat has slowed up on the ''go'' date on their combine plant, when they started the date was opening late 2000, now they are saying late 2001 and they dont even have the skeleton up last time i was by there. engineers are like kids, the best ones should be seen but not heard from.


Dear FarmBuddy, To date, I've always been a gentleman on this system, giving merit to the different colors for their unique benefits, but FarmBuddy, your arrogant and "half-wit" demeanor really has me wondering just what you're trying to hide here. First and foremost, I AM NOT color blind; - I can differentiate between a Green Claas lexion and one which is painted yellow with a CAT decal and engine. You go on to say in your reply that "CAT dealers can probably exceed your Service needs in many ways that you don't even realize yet", however, you fail to explain how; - you merely go on to recite from your sales literature all the "benefits" of owning a Claas..., er..., sorry..., CAT combine! You then proceed to condemn John Deere for pursuing international interests. Are you about to incinuate that CAT DOES NOT pursue international interestsIJ If so, then how did they come upon a cooperative agreement with GERMAN owned Claas in the first placeIJ While we're on this topic FarmBuddy, please tell everyone what CAT contributed (technologically) to the lexion combine design, other than paint and an engine. Seems to me that CAT may have committed the same "sin" as Deere. You then question Deere's ability or intent to build the Bi-Rotor combine! Say Farmbuddy, didn't you take part in the development of that combineIJ Perhaps you're enduring "sour grapes" because CAT didn't have the "balls" to buy this technology and introduce "new" combine technology to the marketplace, rather than take a "cosmetic" approach by painting green lexions! Deere's extensive AG experience, coupled with an outstanding dealer network FAR EXCEEDS anything CAT can provide. It's so simple to explain, FarmBuddy, that I believe that EVEN YOU can understand it. MORE DEAlERS + lOT OF PARTS + lOTS OF SERVICE EXPERIENCE = BETTER SERVICE!!! Oh, and you question the long-term reward for being a loyal Deere customerIJ Just knowing that their there with parts, service, and the experience to keep ya' going! That's good enough for me!


Dear FarmBuddy, To date, I've always been a gentleman on this system, giving merit to the different colors for their unique benefits, but FarmBuddy, your arrogant and "half-wit" demeanor really has me wondering just what you're trying to hide here. First and foremost, I AM NOT color blind; - I can differentiate between a Green Claas lexion and one which is painted yellow with a CAT decal and engine. You go on to say in your reply that "CAT dealers can probably exceed your Service needs in many ways that you don't even realize yet", however, you fail to explain how; - you merely go on to recite from your sales literature all the "benefits" of owning a Claas..., er..., sorry..., CAT combine! You then proceed to condemn John Deere for pursuing international interests. Are you about to incinuate that CAT DOES NOT pursue international interestsIJ If so, then how did they come upon a cooperative agreement with GERMAN owned Claas in the first placeIJ While we're on this topic FarmBuddy, please tell everyone what CAT contributed (technologically) to the lexion combine design, other than paint and an engine. Seems to me that CAT may have committed the same "sin" as Deere. You then question Deere's ability or intent to build the Bi-Rotor combine! Say Farmbuddy, didn't you take part in the development of that combineIJ Perhaps you're enduring "sour grapes" because CAT didn't have the "balls" to buy this technology and introduce "new" combine technology to the marketplace, rather than take a "cosmetic" approach by painting green lexions! Deere's extensive AG experience, coupled with an outstanding dealer network FAR EXCEEDS anything CAT can provide. It's so simple to explain, FarmBuddy, that I believe that EVEN YOU can understand it. MORE DEAlERS + lOT OF PARTS + lOTS OF SERVICE EXPERIENCE = BETTER SERVICE!!! Oh, and you question the long-term reward for being a loyal Deere customerIJ Just knowing that their there with parts, service, and the experience to keep ya' going! That's good enough for me!


Sorry to upset you SilverTurnedGreen. I'm glad you are happy with your change, I just thought that you might not be aware of many of the lexion features.


What is the difference between Deere's new Bi-Rotor, and New Hollands Twin Rotor IJ.


Deere hasn't released a Bi-Rotor design as yet, but basically the Bi-Rotor looks a little like an axial flow combine, other than its 2 rotors, one inside the other, which simultaneously rotate at two different speeds. I read the book entitled "Dream Reaper", and it talks extensively about the Bi-Rotor. As mentioned on another post, FarmBuddy would know a "whole lot" more about this design, as he was actively involved with its inception.


kinze uses deereunits does make the planter frame !!! and for your info. we have friend that help make the CUMMINS for the pickup and what ever you want too call it case international newholland ford IJ we just call them JUNK around here ! they use the same motor just a C series . i can also tell you this FORD sure as hell doesn't want too get in a POWER war with CUMMINS in the pickups ! ford better be worrying about firestone ! lOl should never have softened the ride by letting the airpressure down!!!!! here compare which is better an in line DEERE or a V8 MASSEYIJ WANT ME TOO TEll YA IJ WHEN A 4020 OUT PUllS A 1155 I THINK YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN!!! HEY I I DON'T EVEN OWN A CUMMINS YET BUT PlENTY AROUND HERE lOVE HOOKIN ON TOO THEM (powerchokes)and showing them whats what !!!!!!!!


My first question is what are you trying to say in your first sentence IJ. Please explain; Kinze uses Deere units does make the planter frame. Second, next time you are talking to your friend ask him how he likes working for a Ford company. I am not here to argue, and all your yelling is hurting my feelings !!. However, your unresearched _ biased opinions are possibly "swaying" customers away from a product that they might be very happy with. You have not listed one proven informitive fact about about why they are junk, you obviously due to ignorance just plain don't like Ford, CaseIH, New Holland, CAT....did I miss anybody....oh yah me !!!!. I do not normally read other "colors" posts, but there is usually some really good info shared on this site. Being a CAT lexion owner, this subject caught my eye. But if it is going to be smeared by guys shooting bull $h!t and not helping anyone but themselves by passing time.....who needs it IJ!IJ!IJ!IJ!.


Thanks, Sounds like an interesting concept. Is this what the new 9950 series combine will be IJ. Also, where can I get a copy of this "Dream Reaper" book IJ. Thanks again