Combines sweeps on cylinder


For sweeps check with Dan Hurtt at -- Throwing over -- is this over the shoe or is it rotor lossIJ


Terry's right you get them from me. If there are reverse bars they go out and sweeps in. I would prefer a reverse bar in row D and one in row C if needed. Sweeps are in row A and B. Row A is nearest discharge.Over the years I heard of lots of guys installing the covers over seperator grate for green milo with good sugcess. We installed lots of covers for edible beans. I have removed lots of covers for when I installed sweep they weren't needed. Had a guy in milo get two sets of sweeps a couple monthes age. He was in Texas and that machine he put them in just kicked but. Other two or three machines strugled like they allways had in them conditions. Another guy last fall said it was the best job he had ever done in milo but it was dry for him. I don't know of any other machines with my sweeps doing milo. Maybe Terry has some of his rotors with his design of sweeps doing milo also.


Have two sets of sweeps on seperator side with no reverse bars at all. Did the best job I have ever done on milo and all other crop here in south central nebraska. Had to bring seperator grate up as close as sweeps would allow.This was in milo that had already seen a killing frost so not sure on the green stuff but am sure it will do the job. Thinking about putting all sweeps on seperator side. It should take less power and less crop breakup.


It is rotor loss. Was at an Agco meetting last night they did not know anything about sweeps. They told me to put in a set of reverse bars in thrashing side. One in row a and one in row b 180` apart from each other. When I say row a this is side closes to the gear box. Has anyone tried this, seams to me this would make a feeding problem.


Per the above posts -- Using sweeps over the R_H side of the the grate with the grate set tightly not only moves trash toward the discharge, but the crossbars of the grate in opposition to the sweeps provides agitation_tumbling for grain separation. Installing reverse bars might help a little, but you're looking at more HP needed and likely a much heavier shoe load forced thru the grate. In my opinion you probably won't need cage covers with sweeps installed as Dan points out. Yes, we have quite a few rotors in high moisture milo and working very well.


lots of guys at AGCO know very well about sweeps and other aftermarket enhancements. The guy putting on the meeting maybe even did but you'ld have to corner him to get that out of him. I wonder if they sometime fear losing job if mentioning anything that don't come out of Gleaner parts book. Gleaner labels the rows of bars on large rotor with an A starting next to discharge and row D next to gearbox. Gleaner has suggested very lately to remove reverse bars from row B if any are installed and install one of them in row D and one in row C if haveing rotor loss problem. You may of caught some talk about no more than one reverse bar in any one location over the last few years if you feel you have to have them. I have mentioned it a few more times especially after Gleaner came out and said it. I have not had to do such a thing but feel it is a very good option and easy to do at any time. I also have very little against it especially if you have did the helical mod to prevent major amount of straw from making second pass over concave. For the guys that have done helical mod to prevent second pass over concave and installed sweeps I would first suggest to adjust up seperator grate if they have that option to control any posible losses. I would feel that just one reverse bar in row D and one in row C would not affect feeding to any great extent especially if helical mod is done and seperator side is keep from being constipated with the use of all forward bars and maybe even sweeps. I feel the reverse bars may even give a little better thresh of the very hard to knock out seeds if needed. I know I'll be quick to try this if ever need be. I just can't find the notes I made a couple weeks ago on the custom harvest guy that ran the green milo with two sets of sweeps. I think I can track down a number for him if need be. Anyway I hope that all makes some sense and best of luck with what you do.


The rep came from the factory and did come from Northwestern Kansas where they do raise some milo. His 1st opp. was to have a set in row a and b descharge side. Then to take them out. The third was to put the bar in the bottem. and then he said to put the set in the thashing side, which I asked are you sure you want it on the thashing side, I still don't want to put the set there, because the grain is clean it just dose not make it out of the roter. Maybe I am asking for to much but I think if you get the grain in the combine it should at least make it to the shoe before it gose out the back, my 2 cent. Could you send me a price on the sweeps + shipping to southeast Nebraska and tell me what row to put them in. Should I start out with one set or two. I did put the backing wedges from the discharge paddles where the reverse bars were, will these need to come outIJ I was ready to trade the combine in till we did all the mods on this site. Thanks for all the help!


We get $450 for one set of sweeps. You could easily play with or without paddle gussets in place of bars even with sweeps in. I screwed up your email a couple times but go ahead and check it out for I think I finally got it right.