Combines tarp for 9510 grain bin


A company from close to me manufactures one The name is The looney Hopper Cover. The guys name is Joe looney,and his number is 1 870 732 6128. Although his company is not listed in the book, that is his home number. A nother person in his family owns a Deere dealership. Some of their new combines are sold with this hopper top. The quality is very good because it is one of those farmer built out of necessity jobs.


Funny you mentioned that. The Indy forecast is for sunny and 55 tomorrow so I will drag out tools, a battery, hy-gard and daughter Corey and we will run it for awhile. If it will start-------------------------


RED'S combine will probably be running in the next century with a little tender loving care. When all the newer models have gone to the great combine cemetery. We had a 72 4400 gas the same as RED'S and it was a great machine for it's time and all time after. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO All YOU COMBINE PEOPlE!!


Happy New Year to all of you folks. Hope farming is a great year for you. Our municipal bond business is slightly better so maybe I'll get enough money in the cookie jar to build a 3 side for the 4400 this year.