Combines tbran and others what do you thinkIJ


With this much capacity, it sounds like you would need 6 semi trucks to keep up in good corn. Just a thought, for corn and your elevator, would you consider a smaller sprocket on the lower auger or a larger sprocket driving it to speed it up 10 to 20%IJ Would the elevator chain and paddles handle the additional speed without coming apartIJ Just a thought...


j72 Where you maxed out at 3.5 to 4 in cornIJ I run a 12row on my 72,last year I was running that in 200 bu. corn last year.What is the cap. of the 72 clean grainIJ IG


IG- if I push it any faster it showed signs of loss over the shoe.i determined 2 yrs ago that the elevator would not take it away fast enough so tbran told me to put bigger pulley on the drive of the clean grain which helped a lot.if i am not mistaken the stock cap is 3000bph on the elevator. do you have any feeding problems with your 12 rowIJIJ we sometimes have bunching problems at the throat which causes us to slow down.


trucks were not a problem, we pulled our 7 trucks in off the road and it was all the drivers could do to keep up. we have put a bigger pulley on the clean grain side which sped it up about 15% which helped A lOT.


Yes sometimes I have problems with feeding,But it seems to be in BT numbers in the middle of the day. I havent had that problem this year yet.The capacity of the clean grain is more then your speed and bu per hour.In 150 corn at 3.8 my monitor only shows 2000 bu _hr somewhere around there. IG


What's the year of machines. I'd remove stationary rasps on one of the machines to see what happens to growling, HP, and losses. If you have discharge beater I would try at least one with knotched blades turned out. Check flighting on clean grain auger and hopefully it has some lean toward direction of flow. Maybe doubling the flighting will handle more corn. I think you would get more capacity if flighting was brought closer to paddles also. I think capacity of clean grain has more to do with the open auger than with the elevator. I think maybe a stripper next to auger would help it do its job better also. I think you would see some very promissing results in your beans if you installed some rotor sweeps. Have a great harvest


98 r72 and 2001 r72. i run the 12 row on the 98 and it has new auger and elevator chains and paddles this year. would the new cdf rotor helpIJIJ


Forgot to ask if you had the false floor between header auger and feed chain. This helps prevent pooling inbetween the two which could cause your problem at auger support. We had to install extra flighting on all the eight row heads to prevent the bunching. We install enough flighting so left and right intersect a common line around auger. Have never been around a twelve row so don't know what you are dealing with. Maybe dumb question but do you use a corn chafferIJ Sorry I can't answer you on CDF for we are still waiting for ours. If your problems in corn is to much FM to handle the CDF or some rotor option will surely help you out. CDF or another cylinder option will surely get beans threw better but we'll need some more time for head to head comparisons. let us all know if you bring machines up another level. Good luck