Combines TBran how d you fair in the stormIJ


No damage at dealership, buttttt blew a tree down on a tool shed and lost a round baler, fert spreader, 2 Ton truck, manure spreader, disc and on and on ad nausium. Damaged another shed. However, I heard of several families that lost multiple family members. My old junk can be replaced......


I'm sorry to hear about that. The storm that came through our little town had already hit 2 or 3 places west of us and hit one town to the east of us. One farmer to the west about 30 miles lost a combine....I mean he totally lost it..its gone and they haven't found it yet! Sounded like his whole farm headquarters was just demolished and nothing survived.


My sympathy to all the guys and their families who are being hit with your really severe weather conditions in the US. I, together with most Australians, really have problems trying to understand the extreme ferocity of your storm systems. Rolf gave me an inkling from his descriptions of storm systems and tornados from his time in the USA. In our part of the world such massive storm systems are unknown as our metorological set up in S.E. Australia does not lend itself to storm systems as severe as yours developing. In northern Australia we have had a number of "cyclones" [ "Hurrricanes" to Americans. "Typhoons" to the western Pacific nations. Same thing! ] of which one destroyed a fair sized regional city on our Queensland coast a few weeks ago. Most of the other cyclones and inland severe storm systems have hit relatively unpopulated areas in north western Australia but with the resulting heavy flooding rains causing some severe problems in Australia's small northern "Outback" towns. These rains have not got down to the southern grain growing areas and we are very dry indeed. May I wish all those people who have suffered from your storm systems our sympathy and every hope for a better deal in the future. R.O.M


Yep, I heard about that one too.. Geez.. And I thought tornado alley was in Kansas. I had a friend coming home from college get stuck in the one that went through Somerville, she said it was pretty scary at times. The weathermen in Memphis said it was mostly over rural areas and that it wasn't much to worry about. But what about all the people that live in those rural areasIJ Bet they didn't like that statement too much.