Combines tbran r50 concave door settings


Shift cylinder into neutral. Close grate via outside ratchet to highest bar contacts upper thresher grate then back off til it just 'clicks' but still can be turned past the contact point. This will be the point to 'zero' the outside indicator to "o" via the slots in the little metal gauge. Make sure the grate cross bar contacts cyliner all across the wieth of the bar or within a 16th of an inch. I had rather see the lH side click and the RH side be a 1_16" in clearance. NOW rotate the high bar down and set the big eye bolts on the bottom to make the 2nd cross bar from the front of the grate have 7_16ths" gap between the cyl bar and the grate cross bar. Now set the "min-mid-max" little guages to have the grate pointer at the "mid" mark. In corn we like to lower the front of the grate to have the pointer 2 marks toward "max", and in beans and wheat 1 mark up from "mid" towards "Min" . Set the grate clearance to the average cob diameter in corn. Most cobs should come out whole with a 'candy cane' ring around them. In wheat the setting is really close to remove whitecaps. In beans a setting of 3-5 or 3_8 to just over a half " . Do not be afraid to try different settings for your conditions. Remember to keep increasing cylinder speed 50 RPMs at a time unitl crackage occurs then back down. Speed cracks, not clearance unless of course you try a wild zero setting or something weird. With the hyper mods we also find the addition of one concave filler strip in hard to thresh soybeans or wheat really helps. I leave our personal machine's filler strips in even in corn.