sheaves avail are 71358611 at just under 7" 71358971 at just under 8" 71328453 at just @ 8.5" 71360877 at just under 9" 71360877 @ a little over 9.5" 71366842 is the slow down sheave if your 62 has belt drive. 71394759 is a complete slow down kit, but quite pricey. IF it were I , I would select the sprocket or sheave that either drives or is driven and secure a sheave with hub and replace that unit with a 20% smaller driver or 20% larger driven and corresponding belt. I wouldn't worry about tailings. There are several sprockets available for the header drive conveyor. One can 'cheat' and speed up the header drive shaft via idler adjustment or speed up the variable speed header drive and lock with bushings or washers - do not make unit where it can fully speed up - use slow speed on feed chains and use smaller drive sprocket on conveyor. 71362512 is a 16t slow down spkt. This will allow infinate speed up on wobble box. About 10-15% overdrive is all the box will stand, don't know about pro drive but would assume jsut a tad more. On short beans with green under growth, cutterbar sweeps touching the bar and wiping it clean is a must.