Riceman Well, Some terraces are easy and some are a Pain in the A$$! We usually cut the side of the terrace that is closest to the channel first. Then either come back on the other side or come back and cut the channel. Usually depends on what's at the end or if someone's in a land above cutting or below. We just let whatever extra header there is hang over the top side of the terraces to keep the lower end from gouging the dirt. Sometimes you just can't help it and get a load of dirt in the plat anyways. Also....sometimes when cutting back on the channel some of them are so deep that you end up just letting some of the plat stick up in the air opposite of the terrace itself. In the end it is a game of give and take. The main objective is to get as much as you can without eating any dirt. What really sucks is the wet years when the channels' are full of water. Then your try to "reach out" with the header and get as much standing there as you can without burying the combine. Makes for an interesting harvest some years. I hope I didn't confuse you more.