Combines The Dreaded N6


An even bigger joke is the 99-01 JD STSs. The trainer at the Moline plant works overtime and teaches them to PlAY DEAD extremely well or SElF DESTRUCT over any object that isn't grain. All 5 STSs in that age bracket in this neighborhood spend more time being fixed than harvesting. Pretty SAD, 20 years of technology and John Deere still couldn't produce a better machine than the 79 N6.


Dan Hurtt and I have teamed up to perform a few Exorcisms on combines. The first step is to administer a huge dose of laxitive to the owner of the possessed machine. This eliminates the possibility him being full of , well you know. The second step is this: Dan holds the operators manual (which usually has not been opened more the bible kept on the coffee table to impress the local minister) up to the owner holding him at bay while I climb on the cab top and start sprinkling the holy mixture of diesel fuel conditioner, lithium grease, chain and cable lube, battery terminal cleaner and glass cleaner ( most of the items scare the living daylites out of combines haints (evil spirits to you yankees) because they haven't experienced these items in quantity since birth). If that doesn't produce a Silver Streak then we circle the beast chanting "www.harvesting.com_combines_gleaner" then "hyper mods " looking for missed factory updates and perfomance mods that are not present. Finally the gentle giant is taken to a fresh virgin field of ripe grain and teach it all over the proper etiquette in devouring mass quantites in short order while wiping out all the bad old habits of the past. If all this doesn't work I send in the Mother of all exorcists - My Mother in law !!! No one including myself has survived her wrath. In fact the name 'mad cow' disease was born after viewing one of her fits............ I gotta go home ....


Sounds like one of those tough love cases. Big problem with first N6's was they needed to maintain the reputation of previous Gleaner which would be nearly impossible with first year production. First year or two with l's wasn't what previous Gleaner owners were used to either. It would be hard to maintain super high standard of Gleaner the first year or two. After looking at or tring competition they all of a sudden don't seem so bad in many cases. Try some aftermarket upgrades and look out. Funny how some operators had no problems at all with exact machine as neighbor that had one thing after another wrong. I guess you live long enough and you see all kinds. Anytime I think of '79 N6's I think of an operator that we traded out of a couple of them one year old N6's for 3 new l2's and the rock solid l2s were for the most part wreaked in one season also. One of them '79 N6's just retired and is now sharing orgins (talk about a crabby old buger turning generous). You all take care, you hear.