Combines The fun begins


Jeremy, we enjoyed a brief review of your pictures and website as we are up to our eyeballs getting last years crop delivered as well as controlling weeds in this years corn and soys. We look forward to seeing more from you. Tom Russell in Minnesota, the state where nothing is allowed.


Jeremy I am looking forward to the progress and future pictures. Very nice job. Good luck on the harvest!


Hey, The Red, Good to see you over here at the Gleaner site, instead of hanging around the JD site. Did you ever get your 4400 movedIJ last I read, you had to abort the mission, but that was back in April, I believe. Just wondering how things were going up there in IN.


I read the Gleaner site all the time. Since I don't own one I cannot contribute anything. It's a great site and you guys are very responsive. The 4400 is road ready. I am trying to get on the shipping docket and we'll ship directly to the farm. We have several little kids in our neighborhood and we were really afraid about a little one getting hurt and subsequent legal problems. So it remains at the lot where I found it. I fire her up once a month and it is running fine. The owner isn't pressing me to move it. It's not like she would hire somebody to tow it away. :)