Your mother was the wise one of the family... To remove the throat, remove the belts RH and lH to and from the pivot shaft. Remove the RH and lH pulleys. (Now is a good time to pack the bearings and upon reassembly reset rolling torque.) The shaft doesn't turn but is located in the flanges that are eccentric in that turning them will tilt the header. Mark the location of the flanges. Most machines will benefit from raising the lH side a couple of inches higer than the RH. Remove the cly rams the the throat and support with a loader bucket and chain or fork attachment and then remove the 4 bolts on the flanges on each side. Shaft has snap rings also. Shop guys tell me it is a one to 2 hour job depending on Murpy's law in effect. Unusual to 'break' . Run into something unmovableIJ I would go for a used throat as all F's F2's are interchangabelforwhatever