Combines to cdf or not cdf


I am running the same set up as you. Only thing different is I have a couple bars removed completely. I do a little wheat and my customers love my straw. I have been kicking around the CDF idea too. I am happy with the improvements so far. I think for 5-7000$ I will leave my machine as is. last year I changed the front feeder chain, turned the sprockets and replaced the floor at the rear of the feeder house and under the front drum of the rear chain. I would suggest getting the drive shafts checked for cracks while they're out because I broke the end off of mine mid corn.


MN Dean, did you use Dan's floor kit in the feederhouse and if so what did it costIJ I have the CDF in a '93 R62 and it definitely helps in green stem beans and not breaking up cobs in corn, which leads to more shoe capacity. What are your thoughts on the feederhouse update, because I need to make that decision soon also.


I bought the kit from Dan to flaten the floor. My floor had a hole in it. I have not had much feeding problems (I have an air reel) so I didn't use all of the parts in the feederhouse mainly because I ran out of time. The rear section of the front feeder house I had bent at a local welding shop rather than buy the Agco piece and cut it down. I have some pictures that I could Email if you are intrested.


Any pics would be great. I replaced the rear floor a few years back with the 1_4 inch thick floor available from agco before I knew about Dan's kit, so I know what is involved. I took pictures of that process too. My email is I would appreciate any pics you will send . A picture truly is worth a thousand words when working on something like this. Thanks in advance.


My opinion is that dollar for dollar NDDAN's floor kit is the best money you can spend. Period. It helps in all crops. We went CDF and I wouldn't go back. In corn you won't see much difference under say 20-21% moisture. When you get to 21-22% or more it really makes a difference. In beans you will have much less dust in the bin. Not sure why but it is fact. If you have any issues with tough or green stem beans this will make your machine a different animal. Those are my only crops I can offer experience on. So to me the corn advantage isn't that big a deal to justify it on that alone, but it really makes a big difference in beans not only in quality but in thru put.


Did the feeder floor update this past winter. Actually my dealer shop did it. Also went with the 4 strand feed chain. Put the new rear feed shaft WITHOUT torgue limiter on in too. Did 150 acres soft red with TOUGH straw. NO PlUGS!!! Can handle huge amounts of straw now. 98 R-62. Rob.