Combines To Riceman


We can work something out. Got thousands of bushels of seed rice sitting in the bins now. Check your email. Robbie


So you want to try and raise rice in OklahomaIJ I see no problems with the production side of it if you have enough water. But selling it is gonna be the problem. Millers are mostly a far off drive from there. But I understand about wanting to try it. I brought home some Barrington brewing barley from Montana to plant here. Just out of curiousity. So I know where your coming from. What part of OK are you inIJ I know the El Reno, and Hydro areas well. Weatherford too. Spent time in Temple too, but thats at the southern edge. I'd say that anywhere theres cotton grown, rice can grow. It needs the right amount of heat and water to do right. We are in the major rice producing area of Arkansas and there's a lot of cotton grown too. As far as the land goes...flat with a slight fall is best. lots of water. Wells need to pump at least 1500 gpm or better to be enough. We drill ours and roll it with a flat roller. Pull levees and put in gates for the water to spill out of each levee. Usually only one gate per levee. Thats about it for getting it growing. Theres lots of different schools of thought on flooding a field before first fertilizer or after and whether it needs water before the first shot of chemical or not. We've tried it all too. Some years are different than others. You won't have much to worry about in a area thats never had rice raised there. We worry about weeds like coffeybean, indigo, and red rice. All of those will be a dockage at the mill if you have ANY of them in the hopper. So we hand rogue ours. I'd say we plant on average a bushel an acre. So how big of an area are you wanting to doIJ Usually the smaller the fields the better for water control.


Riceman how did the rice crop do in your part of Ark. getting mixed reviews from people here about how the rice crop did after Rita, I'm just north of I 10 we had a hell of a first crop an off about 20% on second crop cutting it now high wind from Rita did a job on rice when it was flowering


Riceman, please try again. I forgot the old AOl name did not work for e-mail. It's Antheraea59[at] No, I'm not trying to farm any rice, just grow a small 8'x10 plot just to see what it's like. A coffee can's worth of seed is fine, too. I've just not been able to get anyone to ever send me a sample of seed rice or even combine-run rice. Yes, I'm very close to El Reno, too.


Pretty good crop this year. We had all of ours out but 30 acres when the hurricane hit. But that last 30 was green anyway. lots of people still had hundreds of acres left in the field when it hit. We just went to cutting beans instead of wasting time on that little bit. We did finally get done though. I've heard lots of people say they averaged about 175 dry. Thats about what we did too. Not good, but not a disaster either. Not many problems either this year. Most of the land is worked up and ready to go for next year. We finished beans last Saturday night. Only one guy still cutting and he'll finish tomorrow. He had a electrical problem on his 2188. By the way, the Massey's did fine this year. No major breakdowns of any kind. Did have a mud hog spindle break off though. I was up and going by noon the next day. The whole crop was cut in the dry. No ruts anywhere. Its truly an amazing thing to be so different than last year.


riceman we'er cutting some late second crop have 100ac left still a little green so while we wait for it to ripen or a good frost we'er making field levees that's it everyone here is waiting to see what prices do and also expences for 06, $12 a bbls or $7.40cwt won't make it here!!!!!!!!!!