Combines to trade or not to trade red to green


The 9500 should have more capcity, the 1680 will do cleaner beans, but for corn they should match up. We run 2 JD 9750 STS combines and traded in a 9610, and 9500 for them.


9500 will travel faster in field before losing engine power but will put less grain in the tank and more out the back and over the walkers. In corn and beans, there is no reason to own a conventional combine, unless you make it a habit to harvest your beans at insanely high moisture content (25%). Rotary will not damage the grain nearly as much as a conventional either. The rotaries (1680) are simpler in design and easier to work on than the conventionals (9500 and similar). For corn and soybean harvesting, a rotary is the only combine to have. Not impressed with the STS however in corn and beans.