Twin Rotor- We just bought a TR-85 used last fall, Talked to a NH dealer when we bought a 16 ft grain header for it, said we should be able to run 5 mph with a 6 row header in 150 bu_ac corn no sweat. I can believe it, we ran rye this summer (about 5 ft of straw going through machine) at 4 mph and engine temp never moved from puttering around temp, no engine smoke. It was a thing of beauty! This one is a corn_soybean machine, so I wasn't expecting a terrific job in small grains, but it threshed and separated like a champ. Very pleased with the machine. Just picked up a JD row crop 6-row header we're going to adapt to it for soybeans, will let you know how that works out if you're interested. last fall wasn't a good test for machine capacity for us in corn, mud made things much slower than it would have been otherwise