Combines TR 99 Yeild Monitor


The yield mointor that is factory installed in the NH combines is manufactured by Ag leader. It is an execellent unit, easy to use and install. It can either be purched thru your local NH dealer for field install or thru an Ag leader dealer. Price is $4000-4500.00 for the yield monitor only with the GPS adding somewhere around $4500-5000.00. It will fit a TR98, make sure you buy the elevator mount moisture sensor if you buy thru an Ag leader dealer.(They also offer a unit for your bubble-up auger-stay away from this.)


I agree with wat has been said so farI have used the Ag leader yield monitors on my NH TR combines for three years. they are very dependable and the tech support is good where ever you are. I custom harvest wheat in the summer and corn and beans in Il in the fall and they have always supported me very well by cell phone.There is one unresolved problem in corn harvesting. The combine can harvest more corn than the scale can weigh even on the TR-99 which has a wider clean grain elevator.It seems that on a TR-98 the clean grain elevating system will only handle about 2200 bu_hr of corn. After that it begins backing up and eventually gets in the cleaning fan.Anyway, the ag leader will not weigh all of the grain accurately at the higher volumes.I have some ideas on correcting the problem, but I think it is up to NHand Ag leader to work it out especially on the TR-99 which has a factory installed Ag leader under the NH name and NH warrantee.Don't get me wrong I love the ag leader I just wish they would solve that problem.


Essentially- Yes. Case claims they made a few changes, but I am not sure what they are. Also, I have been using the Agleader since 1993 beginning with a TR 86 and there is no problem adding this to a combine. The newer models beginning this year have precut holes which make it a lot easier. It is easily less than a half day job and the end result is very nice. The only real difference between the AG and the NH is a different header stop switch with the NH being much nicer. Both work well. I agree - spend the extra for the elevator mount moisture sensor. Come to think of it- that is the change Case made- they have a nice header height sensor ( which turns the monitor on_off). I definitely reccommend it. PS You can run without GPS and do very well. I am not sold on GPS paying off yet.