Combines TR Concaves


Did you pull the small wires out to run in soybeans and cornIJ This is a requirement to avoid damage to soybeans. It is also a requirement to get good threshing in wheat and small grains to reinstall the small wires. Also do you have the wide spaced concave extension installed behind the side acess doors for beans_cornIJ The small space extention is for small grains. That said if your machine has a roller kit installed you will only be able to install 1 small wire per section instead of 2 small wires. A basic principle to keep in mind: Conventional cylinder machine the limiting factor is the threshing capacity- Over run it and the cylinder chokes up Twin Rotor limiting factor- separator capacity: The thresher will run any amount of dry material through that you can shove in it. The chaffer and sieve can only work so fast. In crops with alot of pumage like soybeans you can accually create a crop mat that will carry beans out the back over the chaffer and never let the beans have a chance to fall through. The fan in the TR has more than enough airflow to blow beans out the back in otherwise normal operation so how much more air do you think you needIJ The priciple of the chaffer is tolift the chaff_pumage with a constant low pressure high volume of air. Increasing pressure in the fan chamber will not give you the result you want. I will say that getting the proper amount of air and chaffer opening can be tricky. A good thing to remember is that the chaffer's job is to separate the threshed pod material from the beans with air. The sieve's job is to "sift" the smaller beans from the larger unthreshed pod material so try to set the combine with that idea in mind. hope this is of some help. JHEnt


Another thing that can effect cleaning and capacity is the type of chaffer installed. A wide spaced long finger chaffer is better in heavy corn while a narrow spaced long finger chaffer will produce better cleaning in beans and small grain as it lets less threshed material fall onto the sieve for a given air volume. You can also get narrow spaced short finger types as well but I think they would not be ideal for soybeans, more of a small grain and rice machine.


I had a typo in the information I have the round bar main concave and I'll have to look at the extensions