Rotorhead, you say don't start a color war, shoot we have a color war on just yellow on this page(sorry JD I am just having fun). We demoed a 9600 in wheat a few years back a I did not think it could keep up to my TR-96 as at the end of the day when the wheat straw got damp I parked the 9600 and finished with the New Holland. The New Holland combines will chop and spread straw better for planting d'crop soybeans than a John Deere. If you want to bale straw just combine the straw wet and you will have no trouble baleing it. NHDon can tell you more about a TR-99 as I have a TR-98 but I think the improvements was a bigger clean grain elevator and bubble up auger, 270hp vs 280hp, electric concave adjustment, in the cab the indicators are moved overhead and the side shielding opened on gas struts. As for price somewhere around 100k for a low houred 99 and 80k for a 98 with 1000 hours. Anything more just ask. Ilnewholland