Combines trading for an R62


Well congradgulations, once you get that beast in the field and see what she can do you will reach around and give yourself a tap on the shoulder then you will turn around and slap your self in the face and say why didnt I do this trade a long time ago. I still remember when I traded my 2 915s in for a 1660 I sure thought I had the cat by the tail, then when I traded for a 2188 I was really in heaven. Then the difference between the 2188s and the 2388s gave me my second wind again. Well I sure hope all goes smooth for you wich I am sure it will and enjoy the harvests to come....


Cutter 2388 is 1000% right. I went several years ago from an M2 to an N6 and I sure WON'T go back, just look back at all the conventionals. I loved my M2 as well, but what a difference it makes to go to a Class 6 rotary. You may want to take some flying lessons or some race car driving lessons before you go to the field with that beast. If the combine is set properly, the head speed will be your speed limiting factor. Trying to keep the rotor in the green arch will be tough, its a hungry beast! Good luck