Combines turent on rotary


Rolf - you are gonna give Deere some ideas posting stuff like that - they lIKE to run things through their grain bins! Your idea sounds like it would work - however - it was explained to me at a Gleaner open house a few years back that the highest point of the tube swivel HAD to be under a certain height limit according to ASAE or something like that. I think your system would reach above that point when it swiveled out. I like the way they have it now - give the customer a choice - I will stay with the swivel. I have also always believed, that to be a Gleaner man, cosmetics couldn't be anywhere near the top of your priority list. Yes, the turret thingy is ugly, but I'm sure it is that way to keep manufacturing costs down. As the machine comes down the assembly line, it's simple enough just to add a turret or a swing-out the way it is now. Changing a bunch of sheet metal to cover the turret upright tube would mean a major change. I agree, it is ugly - so is that shield that covers the swing-out hyd. ram, but these babies are made to function, not to impress the eyes. That's what shiny green paint is for!


John, next time you have the auger shock absorber out weld some little triangle pieces of sheet steel over the ends to stop the rubbers from coming out. They never seem to wear out, just lose those rubbers. Sando