You may find that when you are in heavy corn like that it is bennificial to have a modified concave. If you block off the underside of the first four or five bars and then remove every other wire from rear it will take much less power, increase your capacity and produce less cracked kernals. I have one such concave in my 1977 750 and had same unit in 1973 750 with a gas engine. I could run 5 mph in 150 bu corn and unload on go at same time. 1977 750 with 6.354.1 turbo will run 5 mph in 180 bu corn and unload on go at same time. If you would look at your concave in wet corn you will notice that most of the rear is plugged with cobs and leaves. Anybody else have any modifications that will boost capacityIJ I'm always trying to help mine. Thanks for your help.