Combines TV140


We traded our old 256 with 8000 hrs for a new 140 this spring. Have had a few minor problems with fittings leaking but nothing major at 400 hrs. Received a letter this week from company saying that they will be calling it in for factory updates before spring. Calls for 40 to 50 hrs so must be major updates. Don't want to be without it now just had 8" snow and 50 mph winds. I guess my comment would be it is one heck of a better tractor than the old 256. What problems have you hadIJ


WEll, first like you two said, hydrolic couplings. Took 3 weeks to stack 6 bales. We'd pick one up and oil would spray all over the front of the windshield and entire front of tractor. We'd blow fuses on fuel pump, the ignition, you name it, if it had a fuse it'd blow it. We were letting the tractor warm up and turned on the windshield wiper. It blew a fuse, and for some stupid reason, the same fuse is for the ignition, so the tractor quit. Every time you either turn on a blinker, hazards, or turn the fan speed up, the temperature guage goes up. When its 100 degree's outside, its 120 inside, cause if you turn up the fan the tractor will shut down thinking its too hot when its really not. Some guys took thermostats out, that helped some I guess, but then I believe the tractor doesn't get up to operating temperature. When it really would overheat, such as cutting with a crimmper, the radiator would plug every round. You'd have to get out, turn it off, pop the hood, and clean off the radiator every round or so if the wind was just right. Um, we've had about 10 windows shatter out of it, not hitting bumps or nothing just out of the blue. The list goes on and on. THe radio sounds like its out of a Model T or something, it just sucks. The heat from the engine melted our batteries in time, but the company replaced those. The new update moves the batteries to the side. Its just been one headache. When it works right, its a great tractor. You have to pull back on the hydrostat to pull hills cause its underpowered though, not even with a load! You say you like yours howeverIJ By the time we had 400 hours ours had been in the shop, oh, I'd say a dozen times at least and thats no exageration.


Sounds like you had many problems with your TV140. I hope I can help make you more pleased with your tractor.


Thanks for the info on the updates. I've got several more questions on the tv140. Would you please e-mail me so I can contact you direct. Where are you locatedIJ


Just realized that my e-mail address had changed since I registered. Would still like to visit with tv140


I didn't say its a bad tractor, its just a lot of problems. I agree when they are operating properly, they are a great machine. We had to tighten that ground cable under the cab and that helped for a while. last summer we were told updates would be installed in Oct. 2000, but yet to hear from them. Thanks for the info, and o, the windows did reduce the n of times windows shattered, but they still occasionally go out.


I didn't say its a bad tractor, its just a lot of problems. I agree when they are operating properly, they are a great machine. We had to tighten that ground cable under the cab and that helped for a while. last summer we were told updates would be installed in Oct. 2000, but yet to hear from them. Thanks for the info, and o, the windows did reduce the n of times windows shattered, but they still occasionally go out.


I didn't say its a bad tractor, its just a lot of problems. I agree when they are operating properly, they are a great machine. We had to tighten that ground cable under the cab and that helped for a while. last summer we were told updates would be installed in Oct. 2000, but yet to hear from them. Thanks for the info, and o, the windows did reduce the n of times windows shattered, but they still occasionally go out.


Hey, curly,I sent you an email the other day and I haven't heard from you. I am really looking forward to chatting about tv140's.