Combines Uh oh lost another dealer


The reason you mentioned is about the only valid reason a guy can have for wanting a 2-door cab. I bought y-cables that allow me to change harnesses between implements while I sit in the tractor seat listening to good music on the stereo system. I could have put connectors outside the cab but I figured leaving them inside the cab would make a more reliable connection. There are more than likely times when a second door or outside access panel would be nice but I have been able to do everything I needed to do without getting hung up on a brake or clutch pedal. Maybe if I was 6 6 and 300 lbs it would be a different story.


You need livestock, then you would like a 2-door cab. Handy for the silo blower, feed mixer, getting metal out of the chopper when metal detector goes off (thus the reason for doing this: http:__photos.imageevent.com_rubrandt_misc_websize_EPSN0030.JPG ... most of those things involve being on the RH side of the tractor. I'd rather go in and out the RH door than walk around the front of the tractor or be tempted to step over the PTO shaft. Here is a pic of one of my monitors (Kee Zynx): http:__photos.imageevent.com_rubrandt_misc_websize_EPSN0017_1.JPG The 8000 cabs work well with monitors. I also put my round baler monitor below this one part of the year. DJ planter monitor is a little bit bulky compared to these... Not knocking you for your preferences Tom, just pointing out some justification for 2 doors.