Just did this if you have the long unloading auger yes there is a center suport bearing no there is not a pin it just slides onto the shaft but make darn sure you time it corectly with the virtical auger should be a pic of it right at the 90 at the center bearing there probable is two spacer washers on either side you may or may not need all them try to get the flighting as close as you can to center bearing without hitting (more efficiant transfer) from one oauger to the next. on my 1688 I had to drill and weld in pin on the end auger to keep the hex shaft from going into to far I thinkIJIJ that the 21 already had somthing there not sure so make sure the hex shaft can't just keep going into to far if you have to drill and weld that pin in they give the distance in mm from end of second shaft were you have to drill basically just a hair under 2.25 inches I changed out my end bearing while at it. make sure that your end auger has a guset welded on the last flighting it should on the 1688 series they din;t alot of them calapsed