Combines Urgent Have 14 hrs to decide weather to trade


Yes, you will be happy with those crops. The shoe settings will be more or less the same for you since it is the same basic system. I would make the jump for that money; the C62 is a great walker machine that just happened to come out at a time when the vast majority of the market had_has only rotors on the brain. There is still a place for walkers, and it sounds like your crops and conditions would be a good match. Check a couple things... what is AGCO's current policy on the rear belt beneath walkers. This has been one of the potential trouble spots on these machines (but it is a nice feature from a perfomance standpoint) so I would want to know how they would take care of you if you have an issue with it. Second, make sure it has the later style high wire concave for better separation. Earlier units had a narrow spaced concave at 1" wire spacing. later high wire should be 1.5" wire to wire distance. You'll get better quality with this concave, especially with the peas. There were two types of risers you could get. Standard are pretty short and not very aggressive. A later riser was more like JD and was taller for better agitation. Great combine; you'll really enjoy running it, especially after the sun goes down, compared to the R62.


We ran one 3 yrs and that was two yrs to long. 4 of them big belts in back. Broken walker, bearings on grain elavator,beater, feederhouse. Main drive hub bearings machine shop job was bad from factory but no help from dealer wanted to sell us new hub $1200 and was 3 days away. Discontinued machine not many built. We dumped ours for a 2388 and were glad to see that POS leave the yard. I would go with the case or massey rotor.