Combines Used Greenstar

  • Thread starter Seen_the_Green_light
  • Start date


Well for starters it all depends on what is going with the system if it is just the stuff the machine came with from factory it is no wheres worth even close to 8000.00 the facotry stuff has a value of about 4000.00 at best and that is probally even a little high but if you are including the Starfire receiver and Mobile processor then maybe but being 3 years old I even doubt that so we need to know what he all has before you can set a price.


It does have the mobile processor, and the starfire receiver, but his dealer didn't specify what the $8000 included. I don't claim to know any too much about a greenstar system but an ag-leader basic system (advantage) costs around $4500 without GPS, so it seems that the deere basic system without GPS would have to cost more than around $4000, but I am only guessing. I would really like to know what this system would have cost him when it was new. He has been in a roll and doesn't remember what the system cost back when he put it in. Thanks for the response and any other responses are more than welcome. Kirk


I have had a fair bit of experience with John Deere GreenStar , mapping ,Field Doc ect. I just wanted to remind you that some of the components that you have not mentioned are the mass flow sensor for yield and the moisture sensor. These components are an integral part of the GreenStar system and would have to be included with the sale of the system as well as wiring.


Yes, I assumed that these parts would have to be sold. I did have a question about the wiring harness as I thought some of the later models might have the harness factory installed. Perhaps I need to be more clear. I would like to see if there is any demand for a used greenstar system with all sensors including mobile processor. Either with or without the wiring harness and either with or without the Starfire receiver. Not sure what in included in JD's approx. $8000 new price so not sure where to have this guy price the used system for sale. Any help or interest would be appreciated. Thanks to the previous posters for their input. Kirk


I've had a few more thoughts on this subject since my last post. Here in West Central Saskatchewan CAN. your John Deere SF2 Receiver is probably worth between $3,000 - 3,500 CAN. your Mobile processor between $300 - 500 CAN. your GreenStar display between $800 - 1,200 CAN. If I were you, and I'm assuming you donnot wish to sell the parts of the system on the combine (Mass flow sensor, moisture sensor and wiring),then I would not sell the GreenStar display. The reason is that it can still be used on your combine to give yield and moisture readouts making use of the combine components. Also a inexpensive devise called a DataStore can still download Field and Farm _ Yield and Moisture info and print it out using your PC. If the components ( Starfire SF2 receiver and mobile processor) were sold in this area they would probably go to someone wishing to install Autotrack or Accutrack on a Sprayer or Tractor. I hope this is clear and that I am not too longwinded.


I am pretty sure that JD changed both the mass flow sensor and the moisture sensor on newer combines and 60 series so I really think you would have a hard time selling these as well as the considerable technical expertise required to install them and get the system up and running on a different conbine.