Combines Using Airjet ChaffersIJ


I just installed the airjet chaffer in my 1660. Once I got all the little problems cleared up with my combine my capacity and grain sample are great. I had an airfoil chaffer which was falling appart and did not provide the cleanest sample. Also, Mr. Gordon sent some chaffer inserts with larger holes for corn and this helped a lot in some of the large kernel_high yeilding corn I was combining. I'm in soybeans right now and even in green stem_poddy beans I have a clean sample. I had some problems early on with the chaffer being over loaded. Mr. Gordon spent a lot of time with me on the phone and we got the chaffer working good. I did discover that my shoe sieve had a couple of vanes missing which must have played havoc with the airflow (although you 2 vanes should not have mattered). When I fixed the shoe, everything started working better. Pat


I bought one this year. As posted below, I had make sure it was knocking out the beans before the chaffer would work. Also, you gotta have the wind really cranked up and the shoe seive wide open. I always liked the way the John Deeres cleaned and now the 1480 cleans as good