Combines Vibramat


A Vibramat is a strip of plasticised canvas material about 12 inches in width that lays flat on the table, immediately behind the cutterbar. It is attached to the knife by a plastic spine that is bolted to the knife by using a longer bolt every 12 inches or so along the sickle sections. It reciprocates with the knife action and provides a "live" area between the cutterbar and the table auger. My use of them has been when cutting VERY short barley. I mean short as when all you can get above the sickle is a head ( if you are lucky) I have no idea how they work in anythjing other than cereals. As I am in Australia i dont know where you'd get one, but I am still trying to find a pic for you Ham in Australia


try this link, its a report on harvesting in Western Australia during last years druogh it has a section on vibra mats.


try the company that makes them in Aust. they may have someone in North America that sells there stuff. there is a picture of a mat down near the bottom of this page hope this helps


We got ours from Neils Parts. They come in 30 foot lengths and you just cut them to size if need be. Cost about $500 I think.