Combines vibration


Check output shaft bearings on the engine. let me know what you find.


I took all the belts off and couldn't find any movement. My belts get hotter and hotter as I run it. I am now in the process of rebushing the variable pulley and new pulley sides and belts. Any other possibilitiesIJ


I am having the same problem right now on a 750. Replaced the variable speed hub, no difference. Any ideasIJ


HI guys, we had exactly the same problem this year with our 860. we changed traction belts, v-pulley sides (bearings were good). the main pulley off of the engine shaft was hot and so were the belts. it turned out to be the main bearing off of the engine shaft. if there is much movement at all when you have the belts off, this is the problem. we had to get a guy with a porta-power hydraulic jack to press off the hub for us. the bearing was completely disintegrated and were lucky the housing wasnt severely damaged.


You need to check the variable center sheave on the traction drive. If it gets worn it will vibrate and even chew up belts. The trans will run hot if it is overfull of oil but usually they run a little warm under normal circumstances. They have a oil pump inside if it is the big late style trans. If the variator is ok then you need to do a perpindicular alighnment check of the output shaft in relation to the other tracion drive units and the side of the machine. Your local Massey dealer would have a service bulletin on this vibration problem. It gets very involved!


What kind of vibration are we talking aboutIJ Is it a high frequency one, such as a fast turning shaftIJ Or is it a shaking one, coming from the shoeIJ There are a lot of things that can get loose on the shoe_pan assembly. Or are we talking about the unloader auger running that exhibits more and more vibration as the tank gets emptyIJ It's important to ask the right questions if you want to get the right answer.


Bet it's the chopper the grain has a dampening effect, absorbing the problem


Are you sure that your cylinder is balanced...if you are running filler bars they are bad for getting filled up with crap and throwing the cylinder out of balance on the 8680...having grain in the bin will help to mask the vibration. Also check your strawwalkers...make sure none of them are sliding on their blocks...this will cause a weird vibration


Had same problem in a 96 R62,tried balancing auger didnt work.Replaced auger runs smooth now.