You guys come from a diffeent world than us, but we share the same common desire to see the success of AGCO, just different reasons. long live the network of parts and repair materials that keeps such great machinery in the field. If you stop and count the pennies made in parts along with the dollars generated each year in sales, I think you will discover a lot of old timers with 10 and 15 year old machines doing their part to keep the share holders happy also. There are a heck of a lot of new OEM parts sold within the ag machine market industry wide, and I'll say again, AGCO parts distribution system is SECOND TO NONE from the manufacturers to the local distributers. Their new lines of tractors, combines, and balers might be real good too, I know the older ones are. I just can't afford a new one to find out. Big Green Financial Services is crying the big blues right now, and I pity them, because I know a few people who invested a portion of their portfolios in them. But I can continue to have parts delivered to a breakdown in the field without a question. Tom S.