If all you are doing is corn and soybeans I would start with the rotor, stacked helicals in the thresher end, F2 bars in the seperator belly and chaffer mods along with a 1 1_2 x 1" "wind board" at the back of the chaffer angled to catch those "bouncers". While you have the rotor out make sure the concave is level and every other wire is out to give you at least 1" spacing. If you have the old style concave with the mesh wire leave the first four rows alone as those concaves cannot handle the pressure (according to Hyper II). I had the old style in my N6 when I hypered my rotor and used a sawzall to remove every other wire. If you have the $$ the channel helicals and seperator grate really help but I would wait to see how well you like the rotor mods. You should notice a world of difference in capacity and sample quality. This is the beauty of these upgrades you can do them all at once or in stages like I did. It is neat to see how each upgrade improves the performance of the machine. I have done everything but the shocks and for my operation I really don't see the need. The great thing is you are not alone you have HyperII, tbran, NDDan and other here to guide you on your journey. Have fun! Pete Hinrichsen