Combines wantedinfo


9560STS is not yet in production. Offically, slated to go 'next spring'. It will utilize new separator. Different rotor, concaves, and shoe. layout and appearance of machine very similar to other 60 series STS. If straw quality a problem, there are some good deals on used large low hour walker machines. At present I am reserving judgement on 9560STS. Want to see it touch it drive it first.


Would any body know what they a changed between the 9550 and the 9560 walker combine.Are the big options that i should consider before priceing.I of corse want contour,4wd,yeild monitor,autoheader. thanks!! Rodney


The gut of the machine are basically the same. The feeder house changed for the 600 series headers and added the single point hook up. That is it except minor electrical and engine changes.


I think you may want tailings return to cylinder and chopper depending on area or crop. I would imagine it is allready equiped for the area. Otherwise I would push for a rock door hump and extend third helical accross feeder opening. Otherwise a little custumizing for your particular crop could be in line. Good luck.