Combines Waste Gates


They should be around 29 psi when they start to open up. You can go a little higher. Usually, a sick one will be running 16-22. I have known one man to buy a boost gauge and stick it in the cab. Kelly


Waste gates get rid of the excess boost when it has reached a predetermined level. The Cummins in the R62 will develop alot of boost at lower RPMs to help prevent smoke and should start limiting boost when it is sufficiant for HP settings. You should be good if you run in the 26PSI range under full load and don't have smoke. Biggest problem with waste gates has been if diaphram in control breaks which will prevent fuel pump aneroid from seeing the boost pressure. If aneroid does not see the boost it will not allow pump to deliver the fuel. Aneroid will not see the boost if diaphram or hose to it has a leak because pressure comes from intake manifold threw an orfice. Only so much boost can make it threw orfice so a small leak will keep aneroid in low fuel setting. You could unhook line to control and plug line from intake manifold to give it a try. If you gain your power back you likely have broken diaphram. A vacuum or pressure test to see if diaphram is ruptured will also work. Other thing I have seen rob power from mechanical fuel Cummins in R62 is the fuel lift pump. Pump the hand pump fairly slow and you should hear the fuel pressure release valve on back of main pump crackle a bit. Same holds true for Deutz V8s and most often on them is is junk in check valve that is located under fitting right below hand pump. Good luck


We have always used a boost pressure gauge on our R62. It is invaluable to running at a steady load and at close to max. HP. The tube for the gauge is plugged into the ether port on the manifold which is not needed in our Aussie weather. Got the boost pressure gauge idea from our N7. We never were able to understand why they were not installed in the R--2 series.


Did presure test on diaphram today and arm started to move at about 10 lbs. Did not here any leaking around diaphram so believe waste gate valve is OK. After putting boost gauge on combine the max boost on full load was 24 lbs. I then adjusted rod and increased it to 27 or 28 lbs. Wanted to see if I could get a little more so did like Dan said and plugged of hose to gate and the max boost without control was still at 27 or 28. Should that turbo produce more preasure then that. Have clean air and fuel filters. Used R.O.M.'s idea and put the boost gauge line on ether line. If it should create more max boost than that what could be my problem. Engine only has 850 hrs on it and is a 1998 model R 62. If the HP was to be turned up by a pro on the machine would that increase boost. I only know enough about fuel pumps to be dangerous. Maybe I am trying to get more out of the machine than it will do. Fuel is so cheap here I want to burn more. Thanks for all the help


If the boost is actually 27-28 you are pulling way more hp than advertised...look at the boost numbers at Nebraska.