Combines water pump failure preventionIJ


I think I would be just as concerned with the fan bearing going out on a high houred Cummins. If that goes you can bet on a new radiator and on the later models a new after cooler also. Not to mention a new fan as well. In fact you would have more or less the same affect as if a coon went through the fan and I would know all about that.


1700 hrs the stock bearing will fail. The updated bearing is better but be sure to use thread locker on the bolts because the holes are oversize and the mount flange will come loose and work on the front case of the motor. The 23 series run the updated bearing stock but the 21 and 16 series run the old style Hope this helps Dean


That is what it was. How big a job is this to doIJ The bearing is not greasable is it IJ To check it just make sure the fan feels tightIJ Thanks for the info!


The fan should feel tight and when you turn it by hand it should not be rough.