Combines Weak Rear Axles on Case Combines


I think there are two different center tubes, one for the standard axle and one for the heavy duty and Mud Hog axles. Our current 2366 is an '02 model and even with the heavy duty rear axle the center tube is beefed up more than the '01 machine we had last year. The only rear axle problem we've had with the newer axial flows is the tie rod tube bending on the standard rear axle.


That's interesting. I assume your talking about the thickness of the square center tube that the outer tubes slide into. Can anyone tell me what the wall thicknesses are for the two options.


On the 14 series, the pipe was weak and it broke off while I was going down the road. The 16 series has a bigger pipe, but the axle breaks loose from the pipe. This is a "Has broken_Will soon break" axle.


We broke one 2 years ago an a late model 2188 w_mudhog and hopper ext. It broke late one evening while cutting beans on flat ground with less than 100 bu in the hopper. The break was exactly as you describe it under the pivot pin. I found the parts at a dealer 45 miles away and we had it going before 10:30 the next morning. This is a rice machine that has crossed a lot of levees with a lot of weight in its lifetime so the axle giving up was not entirely unexpected.


I broke the axle on my 2000 build 2388 last harvest, and I know of lots that have done it. I repaired mine and all you need to stop it happening is a peice of 1" X 2 1_2" steel 3 feet long welded to the underside. All the axles I have seen crack on the right side of the center tube.


The 1400 series were the weak ones, especially the 2wd. 1600_2100 series had a HD 2wd rear axle available as a factory option which was a completely different axle than the standard 2wd axle. The 2300 series center pivot tube was changed in 2000_2001 when the larger fuel tanks were released and the whole rear frame_axle pivots of 2300 series are heavier from the 2003 models and newer. Problems occur when axles are switched between the model years (ie) a 1600 series axle installed in a 2300 series with large fuel tank. The axles are interchangable and will bolt in but problems will occur.