The only "Non-Chemical" way that I am aware of is to treat it like Canola or something. Swath swith a draper header and then use a pickup header. The weeds will dry down and go right through the machine without plugging the concaves. We did this one year about 15 years ago on 200 acres and it worked fairly well. I do remember that you have to be careful with the timing of when to swath, here is an quote from a web page: ******************************************** "There are six developmental stages that occur after flowering in small grains: watery stage, milk stage, soft dough stage, hard dough stage, kernel hard stage, and harvest ripe. The names of each of these stages are sufficiently descriptive that they need not be described. Hard dough is the stage in small grains when physiological maturity is reached, and occurs at 30 - 32 percent moisture. Once physiological maturity has been reached the crop will not assimilate additional dry matter into the kernel. When swathing wheat or barley to facilitate drying and hasten harvest, it should be done at or after the hard dough stage. Swathing before this stage will reduce yield and result in shriveled kernels ******************************************** With Pre-Harvest round-up available now, I would be tempted to go that way. Chuck