I just want everyone here to know that lee performs majic on diesel injection pumps! I move that we certify lee as an honorary Gleaner Medicine Man. All in favor, say "Aye!" 'Tis about time we got the legendary pump man on here! lee - the pump on our R52 that you tweaked last year has made a WORlD of difference in the performance of this combine. It went from a complete DAWG to a screaming, throbbing beast with an APPETITE for crop and not for fuel. Our screamin' Gleaner now makes another track in the dirt - from the BAllS it now has hanging low and draggin' along!! I also owe Dave and Paul a debt of gratitude for referring you to us. If anyone on here have what you think might be a doggy diesel on your Gleaner, let lee perform his majic on your pump. lee is Da Man! Welcome to Gleaner Talk Show lee! Don't be afraid to post - you certainly can't say anything any dumber than what I post on a regular basis and they haven't banished me from the island yet! Take care!