Combines what does corn and soybean plus get meIJ


According to AC data the intake end of the machine, header-cylinder is slightly heavier built and the walkers and shoe are tweaked more in the direction of the Corn and soybean types of crop, came with both a corn and regular chaffer and extra risers were attached to the walkers and a shoe perforated panel to remove more FM.


variable speed header drive would be very useful, which the corn_bean machines have, usually bigger tires, 23.1x34, delux monitoring, auto header control. full range cylinder speed on l2, don't remember if all had.


My recollection is that the standard configurations of Corn Plus and Corn Soybean changed every year. Regardless of what was standard, any machine could have been ordered with optional equipment packages to make them identical. I have run both side by side in the same crop and really didnt notice much difference except for the model decal. When ordering repair parts I never had to stipulate which configuration the machine was which tells me there wasnt much difference between them. Of course some machines had options other machines didnt but the original buyer was the one who made that determination.