Combines What is the wheat yieldingIJ


Wheat here in Essex County Ontario has been running in the 80-120bu range(I personally doubt the 120 bu yeild as I heard it second hand ) but most wheat appears to be yielding in the low to mid 90's . BIG problems with fusarium though ! Also AlOT of down wheat in Essex_kent , the downed areas still have green stems which is leading to the SlOWEST harvest Ive ever seen. ( sub 1 mph !!)


Started around Parkill, Ontario,70 to 105 bu_ac., quaility is real good, new 9750 doing an excellent job.


Talked to a fellow that drives truck for me..... He did a plot for his neighbour that went 126bu per acre!! Soft red wheat, he was quick to not the that wasnt a field average but was a measured area that was weighed off with a weigh wagon.It wasnt his wheat and I have no reason to doubt it. The wheat yields this year are unheard of!.The monitor in our combine has been bouncing around 85-115bu_ac


Took off white wheat this past week that went 115bu_acre