Combines what s the best header trailer wagon


I have a Unverferth Roadrunner and a Unverferth HT-25. Both good trailers but the Roadrunner has springs and a narrow post front and is nicer to use,but costs more $2900 compared to $1900.


Cole Production in Media Il (309-924-1191) makes an excellent head trailer you can back up. This is important for those of us who have to get into and out of buildings easily. I understand Cole is also a Gleaner dealer. Tom in MN


Go with the Cole head hauler out of Media Il. They are just like pulling a boat trailer. We are on the road a lot in a urban area that doesn't permit much room getting in and out of fields. We had used the JandM wagon types and while they might be built a bit heavier I would never go back. If I had a 12 row corn head I might not feel so secure with the Cole Caddy, but we have used one on our 830 flex for 2 years with no trouble. Best part is they are totally adjustable to fit your head and are about $800 cheaper than most wagon type haulers.


Over the road i wouldn't use any thing but a Maure. Pulls like a dream at any speed.. If your not going long distances the Unverferth ht is just fine..I have had both..


We don't have a lot of roading either. 5 miles and less. We use the cheaper Unverferth HT-25. Good cart for the price plus a lot of dealers so maybe freight won't drive the price up too much. Selection is kind of limited in my part of Virginia. The factory binder strap kit in opinion is also worth it if you use it lot. So far as backing it in the shed, we've got front hitches to push it in.


thanks for all the comments i have found a jandm with the 15 inch wheels that a dealer is wanting to move and it is cheaper than the uneverfth and ez trail and includes the rachet straps. I have a JandM grain cart and it has been great.i like the idea of larger wheels that dont turn near as fast as those little boat tires on the others. besides the tires are much cheaper to boot and easier to find. James


I think you can order the Unverferth HT-25 with that tire size if I'm not mistaken if that's what you're looking for. Your dealer could tell you for sure. Frankly, I like the boat trailer wheels because of the extra clearance when you drive up to it. Sometimes on our rolling terrain you don't always have perfect spot to attach and detach the head. So far as tire wear, they'll probably dry rot first no more than we use it.