This is going to hit some nerves here but the real truth is the DEREGUlATION of the Chicago Board Of Trade by or beloved (former farmer hating president) Ronald Reagan, later it was found that inside trading was going on under the Bush Admin. by the FBI and the investigation got stopped by an executive action. To keep the population quiet they need cheap food and the farmer is the minority and the easiest to control, so we take it in the shorts. If the SEC were to regulate CBOT like Wall Street was then we might have a chance. But Ronald Reagan hated the farmers and destroyed the whole ag economy unless you were very large and corp. and even some of those went as we well know of AC and IH. We had several of our farm state Reps trying to put the Regs. back on CBOT and too many were only able to see and say Yes,Mister President, so blame Reagan and Your Reagan YES men for this mess. To end this "We are now in trouble with the EU and the WTO because of stuff that was done in the Reagan Admin." this is direct info from the AP off AOl within the past month. Thanks Ronald!