Combines whats a 1660 worth


2 years ago we bought a very similar machine (1989 IH Engined 1660 with 2200 hours) with a 25' 1010 for about 3K less. Price isn't bad, but I would work on them a little. As for the machine, ours has been great. In two seasons we have had 2 repairs on the machine, a hydraulic coupling and a belt. last year when we were really hetting to know how to set it we were able to cut 40bpa wheat at 5 mph with nothing out the back. Chuck


90 model with about 2200 hundred hours, new augers and whole bunch of fixed parts at a sale in south central ne. brought 23K about two weeks ago. The one you're looking at had better be cherry. GS


last year I bought an 88 1660 with a fairly worn 22.5' 1020 head for $28,500 from the dealer. the shop had replaced all the augers and conveyors and fixed a few other things. It had 3500 hours on it and performed well last fall. I've had to do several repairs on it this winter but none were major. The bigger repairs were on the header.