that sounds great but 300bu for 15minutes is not a real lot with the TR98 we can do over 1200bu_hr hour in an hour out all day an the CR are bigger per_HP you should be able to more i would have thought
Is that a cr 940 or a 970 you are using. If it is a 970 what is it like for capasity, cleaning, and over all serviceablity. Is that a hungry machine and what size of header do you have hung on the front of it. Is the power strong or dose it fall off when under heavy load. Any comments would be well liked. Thanks. Colin
I have the CR 940 with a 30 ft draper head on it, the 970 has a 42 ft head on it, the 970 is somebody elses machine that was cutting close buy and the newholland guy from Pa. come up and was telling us about it. So I don't know about hp but I do know that they were going about 5.4 mph with the 42 ft in 50 to 55 bu_ac wheat!!