Combines Wheat heads in hopper


Marshall, We had the same trouble with our l. We were running our concave set too tight and it was busting the heads up.


It is 2864. We just got more rain. All our fields are standing in water. The combine is a mud ball. It will be a 5 day before I try again. I burned some fields off yesterday and plan to double crop soybeans and milo on 2_3 of wheat acres. Might as well not waste all that water. Thanks for the advice.


Marshall, I wish we had the problem of too much rain. we missed again this weekend. we got about 3_4. they got several inches down in Dallas. we farm about 60 miles north of there. Our milo is just starting to head and could have use a little more juice.... Was that variety beardedIJIJIJ If so i bet it was 2684.This was the first year we had any of that it threshed real easy for us. Made about 60. it was really hot and dry when we cut it , so that's probably why we didn't have any trouble knocking it out. We are going to keep a little of that and about 1000 bu of 25R57. What other varieties do you raiseIJIJIJ Where do you farmIJIJ WW


We got 3" + this weekend. I raise the 2864 , Coker 9663, AgriPro Mallard and Mason. I will plant some 25R57 this fall. I have heard alot of good yields in the area. I farm about 90 miles NE of Dallas close to the Red River. Our milo is behind because it was planted in mid May due to the wet weather. It looks great. Soybeans planted late also but look great. The only problem we have had is to much water. I am not complaining because it has been 3 years since we have had good moisture. I will finish wheat harvest as soon as it dries up. looks like we will get more rain this weekend.