European Price about 80 _tonne Maybe a bit less depending on quality. (Tonne = 1000kg!) not enough to make much though... No new green combines this year.
Here's a website and you can check different elevators in different states provided they are on it. It should be pretty much self explanatory but if you have trouble finding what you want just hollar. It even post's ldp rates.
We are about the same here in ohio. Those are great prices here and we also had a good yielding crop this year. Charts look like wheat will push $3.00 this winter!
If I want I could sell the grain today at 26 pts_kg here in Spain. This year is the worst in production in the last years. Maybe the price could rise in winter. 1 bushel - 25,4 kg 1 $ - 170 pts more or less. So here the price 3.8 $